
Buying Don’t Spend Extra Money Your preapproval was granted based on the information provided to your lender at that time. This includes your credit, debt, bank account balance, etc. If you’re buying a lake house and decide you want to go ahead and purchase a boat before closing, this could affect your ratios and jeopardize your mortgage approval. Have a […]
Buying Mortgage Approval Before showing you homes, your realtor likely made sure you had a pre-approval in place. Now that you have an accepted offer, it’s time to get an official approval. We will send your accepted purchase agreement and any counters/amendments/disclosures to your lender. Your job is to get them everything else they need, as quickly as […]
Buying Find Homeowners Insurance If you plan to have a mortgage on your home, you will be required to have home-owners insurance. Even if you don’t have a mortgage, it is still highly recommended to have insurance. In addition to calling the company you already have car insurance through, we recommended comparing 2-3 different companies. This will help ensure […]
Buying Schedule your home inspection Congrats! You have an accepted purchase agreement! Now the nitty gritty work happens… it’s time to finalize your loan docs, get home insurance and schedule your inspection. Your realtor will likely push you to set your inspection as quickly as possible. This is for everyone’s benefit. One, inspectors can get busy and there is a […]
Buying Make an Offer Once you’ve found your dream home, it’s time to make an offer! Depending on the market, you might need to fill out your purchase agreement in the driveway, or you might have a bit more time. Either way, you will want to make sure you and your realtor have done your research. Your realtor will […]
Buying Schedule Showings Now that you’ve picked out the homes you want to see in person, your realtor will begin scheduling showings. Generally speaking, it is customary to provide the seller with at least 24 hours’ notice to view a home. They may also have other limitations on showings, but we will do our best to work around […]
Buying Find your dream home Find your Realtor – ✔️ Home Buyers Meeting – ✔️ Get Preapproved – ✔️ But it’s still not time to go look at houses. First, you and your realtor need to discuss your dream home. We need to figure out your needs (number of bedrooms, location, move-in ready, etc) and your wants (hardwoods, fenced in, […]
Buying Schedule a home buyers consult The home buying process can be long and arduous and it’s not something you do every day. Luckily for you, it is something the agents at Lori Flynn Realty do every day! Before you get started looking at homes, you should schedule a home buyers consult. At this meeting, your agent will take the time […]
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Buying You want me to get a pre-what? Not sure if you’ve received a preapproval or a prequalification? The difference is in the details. With a prequalification, the lender has likely checked your credit, but used what they’ve been told to see what you might qualify for. With a pre-approval, the lender has gone deeper. In addition to verifying your credit, they are […]
Buying Real Estate Terminology jar·gon1 /ˈjärɡən/ noun special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand. “legal jargon” a form of language regarded as barbarous, debased, or hybrid. Every industry has their own jargon. Whether you are buying or selling a home, here are some important real estate […]
Buying What if you want to keep the sellers furniture? When you buy a pre-owned home, do you know what will come with the house? Do you get to keep all the appliances, the art on the walls or the outdoor pizza oven on the patio? Determining what will stay with the home and what will go with the previous owner will vary by seller […]
Buying Chimney & Fireplace Inspection A chimney inspection is a service performed to look for buildups and blockages, followed by sweeping to remove problems inhibiting performance. In this article, we will outline what is involved in a good chimney sweep. A good chimney company certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America, will include these elements (and more!) within their chimney inspection: […]