As soon as your purchase agreement was accepted, you were on the phone, scheduling your home inspection with one of our trusted referrals. Now the time has come to attend the inspection – what should you do?
First, and most important, you should plan on attending your home inspection. The inspection will take approximately 3 hours, depending on the size and age of your new home. By attending the inspection, the inspector will better be able to explain various household items to you. While you will get a copy of the inspection report at the end, seeing things in person makes them easier to understand than just looking at a picture.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. When the inspector is explaining various items to you, it’s ok to ask for more detail or ask how he recommends an item be fixed. What may seem like a major fix to you, might be something easier than you think. And the opposite could be true as well.
You will likely have some down time as the inspector is doing his job. This is a great opportunity for you to take any measurements, show any family or friends your new house or get their input on decorating. You may or may not have the opportunity to get back in to the house before closing and this is a big window of time for you to use to your full advantage.
You will generally receive your inspection report within 24 hours. At that time, you and your realtor will work together to prepare your inspection response. Remember, the purpose of an inspection is to discover any major defects. These include, structural or safety concerns, as well as any necessary repairs to the main components of the home. The inspection is not a time to ask for cosmetic items you don’t like or things that were apparent to the naked eye prior to writing the purchase agreement.
Unless you are buying new construction, your new home will not be perfect. If you want a perfect home, then let’s talk about new construction. Give us a call or send us e-mail if you have any questions about your upcoming inspection – 317-384-4712 or lflynn(at)